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4714 我们将毫不放松抓好疫情防控工作,不获全胜决不轻言成功,同时采取强有力政策举措,确保实现今年经济社会发展目标任务。 While we make unremitting efforts to control the outbreak, we are also adopting a range of strong policies to strive to achieve this year's targets for economic and social development.
4715 中方愿同拉美和加勒比国家共同努力,深化各领域友好合作,推动双边关系迈上新台阶。 The Chinese side is willing to work with Latin American and Caribbean states to deepen friendly cooperation in various areas and elevate bilateral relations to new highs.
4716 七国使节感谢郑泽光所作通报,积极评价中国卓有成效的疫情防控工作,感谢中方采取有力举措保障各国在华人员健康和安全。 The ambassadors from the seven countries thanked Zheng Zeguang for the briefing, spoke positively of China's effective efforts in prevention and control of the epidemic, and thanked the Chinese side for efficiently protecting the health and safety of various nationals in China.
4717 他们表示,十分看好中国经济发展前景,愿加强其所代表的国家同中国在疫情防控及其他领域的合作。  They are optimistic about the prospects of China's economy, and are willing to enhance cooperation between their countries and China in epidemic control and other areas.
4718 疫情发生以来,巴西向中国捐助了大批医用口罩, Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Brazil has donated a large number of medical masks to China.
4719 特立尼达和多巴哥捐助了两批防护物资, Trinidad and Tobago has donated two batches of protective supplies.
4720 哥斯达黎加等多个拉美和加勒比国家也捐助了口罩、医用手套等医疗物资。 Costa Rica and several other Latin American and Caribbean states have also donated medical supplies such as masks and gloves.
4721 WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 23 March 2020 世卫组织总干事2020年3月23日在2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)疫情媒体通报会上的讲话
4722 23 March 2020 2020年3月23日
4723 Good morning, good afternoon and good evening, wherever you are. 依你们所处的时区,大家早上好,下午好,晚上好。